Friday 31 May - Sunday 2 Jun 2024
User Menu UK Games Expo

REALMS LIVE: Paranoia.exe!

15:00 - 16:30 BST


RUN PROGRAM: FriendComputer.exe

//Being a clone can be a dangerous job. Trouble-shooters need to deal with mutants, communists and worst of all, paperwork. Thankfully, in case of multiple terrible fatal accidents, we have lots of guests to rotate through…//

Paranoia is a fun Sci-Fi RPG, where 2001: Space Oddessy meets Airplane. The Realms cast will be put through their paces, performing quick draw characters and bringing their trademark humour and charm! Realms of Peril & Glory is an Actual Play podcast of big laughs and big heart! We jump from one setting to another and devour as many game systems as we can get our hands on. RPG is packed with gorgeous original music and glorious sound design that sweeps you up into the stories of our incredible cast.