Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
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Rent Event Space

Exhibitors may wish to hold a tournament at UK Games Expo. This can be done on their stand or in UK Games Expo's event spaces.

Tournaments on your stands

Many exhibitors choose to run a tournament on their stand, which they are free to do. However UKGE does not ticket these events and the promoting and organising of these events are done by the exhibitor.

If you wish to run an event in the UKGE tournament space, your have TWO options:

A)Submitting Tournaments into UKGE event space

You may submit the event as a ticketed event into the UKGE event system. 

UKGE will set an approved event up as a ticketed tournament/event on the UK Games Expo website. These events will be promoted by us. We allocate space which will be protected space within our organised play areas. Umpires would fall under our volunteer policies and may be entitled to accomodation and other volunteer benefits if the event is accepted. There will be an event ticket charge which UKGE keeps which covers the cost of set up, space, volunteers and any prize support we may give depending on tournament/event demand.

There is no cost to you but if there is no demand for the event and tickets do not sell we retain the right to cancel the tournament/event and refund any sold tickets and use the space for other events.

Important note: We do not run tournaments/events in order to create demand as we have found this does not work. If an exhibitor wants to get players playing their game by far the best way is to demo it in the trade hall and donate copies to the Board Game Library. A tournament should not be the start of a marketing campaign but seen as the ultimate marker of a successful game. It's an end point when there is sufficient player base who demand a tournament/event.

However if you feel there is player demand you are entitled to submit the event for consideration along with all other events. We do not guarantee the event will run but we will take a look.

Events likely to be accepted are those with a player based wishing to play a specific event over a defined time period.

On demand events are not likely to be accepted. Learn to Play events and demoes are not suitable for tournament spaces.

Email Richard Denning, (Organised Play Manager), who will explore the idea further with you.

B) Paying for your own event space

Exhibitors can now hire event space in our tournament halls and event rooms to run ticketed tournaments and on demand events. The advantage of this arrangement is that this is dedicated space which is yours for the duration of UKGE and there is more flexibility on the events you can undertake there-in.


Our charge is £15+vat per sqm of event space. This rate is the charge for the floor space only.  You may hire furniture, cloth and power for these areas (see rates in this document).

This space differs from normal exhibition space in the following ways and it is important that you consider your requirements carefully as all conditions will be strictly enforced.

  • The space is for organised play events only.  This includes tournaments, draft and on demand events.
  • These areas may not be used for free to play demonstration or learn to play  events. These type of events should be undertaken in your demo space.
  • Each event in this area must be a tournament or other competitive event subject to an event ticket fee (which the exhibitor will keep - see Event Ticket Fees below).   Nominal fees to try and circumvent this rule will be deemed by the organisers as a breach of these rules.
  • When applying for the space the exhibitor will need to provide an outline of proposed events which must be approved by UK Games Expo before the allocation of space is confirmed. Features likely to lead to approval are that the event has a charge to play, possibly the event fee includes purchase of product needed to play and the event is for players who have learnt the game.  Features likely to lead to rejection of your application are that the event is free to enter and intended for players who have never played the game.
  • You can not sell ANY items from this space with the exception of product required to play the event and then only if included as part of the ticket price.  Extra product cannot be sold from this space.
  • This space may be used as per the access times listed below.
  • Location  of tournament space is at the discretion of the UKGE both in advance and on the day.  Layout will be decided by UK Games Expo.

Carrying out activities and staging events which are not in accordance with the agreed outline may lead to termination of the activities and forfeiture of the space.

Furniture, cloth and power hire costs

You may hire furniture, cloth and power from us at these rates:

Furniture costs:

  • Chair plastic – £4.50 each
  • 6’ x 2’6” Trestle Tables – £9.00 each
  • 5’ x 2’ Trestle Tables – £8.50 each
  • 4’ x 2’ Trestle Tables – £8.00 each
  • 3’ Diameter Tables – £12.00 each
  • 4’ Diameter Tables – £13.00 each

Cloth £6 a table.

Power Costs

  • 6A Main (1500watts) costs £287+vat
  • 10A Main (2400watts) costs £428+vat
  • 16A Main (3800 watts) costs £568 +vat
  • Sockets cost £100 each.

Internet costs: You order any internet via the NEC services (link on our website).

Access times

This space would be available for your access from 8.00 a.m. each day until 11.30 p.m. on Friday 30th July and Saturday 31sy July and from 8.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. on Sunday 1st August. Events can start at 8.00 am each day.

Ticket Fees

All players would need a UK Games Expo entry ticket for the day(s) of your events in order to enter the hall but we would not charge them for any of your events.  You decide on the fee you wish to charge for your events (some suggested figures are given below) and you keep this fee. You can either collect the money during event registration in the tournament space or we can link to a page on your own site so you collect the income direct in advance of the show. You are liable to refund completely if the event does not run.

Guidelines on fees for your events:

You can change whatever fee you wish for your event subject to our prior approval. Here are some suggested events prices:

On demand constructed ccg events - £3. (The players must own the required  decks of cards).

Booster draft £3+ the cost of the booster. (You provide the boosters in exchange for the entry fee).

Card, Board game and Miniatures Tournaments £1 per hour of the event.  E.G. An 7 hours tournament would be £7.

Listing and Promoting your events

The events could be submitted by you and  listed on our website. We would promote the events in social media and emails. We can link to your own events pages.

How to book the space


Download the Exhibitor Event Space info as a pdf.