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It's Gravy Time!!

4 January, 2021

Heavy Waite Gaming: It's Gravy Time!

Want some gaming inspiration and to watch along to some fun and inclusive gaming stories this new year? Then check our Heavy Waite Gaming's channel. We chatted to Adrian "Ade" Waite on Twitch and he was a joy talking about all the people involved from tech to artists to the gamers. Please feel free to read this in a broad Yorkshire accent!

"When people ask me what HWG is all about I say “Pull up a coal sack and I’ll tell thee.”

It’s about stories. We love ’em. There is no better way to build a world than with the imagination of twenty of your friends...and a whole ton of number rocks! A bunch of friends I never knew I had came together and gave us the creative outlet we needed, a ton of RPG goodness.

The madness of the world is more bearable when the call goes out and the party clicks join the meeting. We have built and continue to build a community that nudges us always to go forwards, to create more and more.

When the “stream live” notification pops up it feels like stepping onto a virtual stage and having the audience right there with us.

But why stop there, why not share with as many folk as wanting to hear these stories, to journey with the characters within them and experience what they do. Our world of Colossus is aptly named, it is big enough for all. So take a seat by our campfire and after you have listened to our tales roll your dice and tell us yours….because It's Gravy Time!!"

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