Fancy playing a GIANT RISK Napoleonic themed game?
The battle board is about 4 metres X 3 metres 12 feet X 9 feet in old money.
It has been developed with all the armies and pieces needed to play, thee are 5 main armies; France, Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia plus some rebels.
The rules are an amalgam of classic RISK and various computer games plus some of my own twists.
It was originally designed for use an old scout troop and now it is available for events, the aim being to attract new players to historical wargaming via this hybrid board-game come wargame.
The game is well suited to an event as players can come and go picking up the fortunes of one of the armies in play for as long as they wish.
This is a FREE event, simply turn up to stand 2-594 and sign up for a session.