Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025

Brand new dates for UKGE 2021

22 January, 2021

New dates for UK Games Expo 2021

In order to provide the best chance of running a physical show safely for all concerned, the UK Games Expo will now run from:

Friday 30th July to Sunday 1st August 2021.

We have spoken to our sponsors, partners and a great many of our exhibitors to make sure this date works for them and to bring you the best possible range and experience of games and gaming.

Moving the show back by 8 weeks increases the chances of being able to run a physical show.

More vaccinations will have been carried out, we will have a better idea of how the infection rate is affecting the UK and with luck, we will be well out of a lockdown and the need to be distanced.

We aim to run as close to a 'normal' UKGE as possible, the extra time helps us to do this safely.

We will bring you more information about the show in the coming months.

UKGE Dates 2021

What is the plan?

We are planning for two possible forms of a show. A normal show with as many of the features as you expect to see at a UKGE or a socially distanced event. This would include steps to make demos, tournaments and live shows distanced, wider aisles in the trade halls and reduced daily ticket numbers to keep everyone safe. We will follow local and national regulations and restrictions.

Until we know what is allowed we must plan for both eventualities but can't give you any more info until we know this ourselves.

Tickets Sales.
As we are working on plans for the show we will open ticket sales after Easter. You will be given notice on all our social and electronic platforms. Please stay tuned.

Ticket Roll Overs.
If you have rolled over your ticket and we run a 'normal' show then your ticket will be valid for the 2021 show. If we have to run a socially distanced show then you have two options:
1. You can use the value of your tickets for 2021 but socially distanced tickets are more expensive so you would need to pay the difference.
2. Or you can roll over your tickets to 2022 where they would be valid for entry ignoring any potential price upgrades next year.

Check your hotels are refundable...
Please see our accommodation page in order to change your hotel booking dates. Even when you rebook hotels, in the current climate it would be wise to make sure your booking is cancellable with minimum fuss and cost.

Exhibitors: more news will follow...
We are in the process of contacting all our exhibitors and sponsors about attending the show. Our new exhibitor pack is available now here. We look forward to those conversations.

Stay safe and healthy and carry on gaming.

Richard Denning & Tony Hyams
UKGE Directors.