Friday 31 May - Sunday 2 Jun 2024
User Menu UK Games Expo

Brains to Board - Bringing your boardgame ideas to life.

16:00 - 17:00 BST


This seminar, along with examples, describes how to get your boardgame ideas out of your head and into a working rules set. It guides the attendee’s journey of creating the game they are dreaming of making in five concrete steps. 

  1. Think theme: What is your game about; the genre you want to create in?
  2. Think contents: What are the components that come in the box?
  3. Think sequence: What is the outline and structure of play order?
  4. Think broader: Expand on each item in the structure of play that you just wrote down.
  5. Think detail: Take the expanded structure and begin to write the nuances of each. 

By the end of the seminar each attendee will have a better grasp of what their game can be and a path to take it to playtesting and beyond.



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