Friday 31 May - Sunday 2 Jun 2024
User Menu UK Games Expo
Playtest Portsmouth
The second Sunday of every month, 11am–5pm
Dice Board Game Lounge, 149 Albert Road,Portmsouth,PO4 0JW

A monthly meet up for games designers and playtesters on the South Coast

Playtest Portsmouth brings together board game designers and playtesters in and around Portsmouth (England). We hold regular face to face events where designers can share their prototypes and get valuable feedback from playtesters.

All designers are invited to join us, first timers with a rough sketch for a game are just as welcome as regular designers with full prototypes that are ready for market.

Playtesters of all levels of experience are welcome, we need you and your insights to help us shape how a game develops from a rough idea all the way to its final artwork.

As well as getting designers & playtesters together our goal is to create a community of designers on the south coast who can support each other by sharing ideas, creativity, sharing materials for making prototypes and useful links to suppliers, printers and on-line advice.