Friday 31 May - Sunday 2 Jun 2024
User Menu UK Games Expo
Birmingham Central Role Players (BCRP)
Every Thursday from 630 / 7:00 until 11pm
Bournbrook & Selly Oak Social Club, 13a Hubert Road, Selly Oak,Birmingham,B29 6DX

Birmingham based gaming club for role-players who meet weekly.

We are a group of dedicated tabletop role-players who meet on Thursdays in Selly Oak. We have members who play everything, from D&D to Traveller, so whether it's fantasy, sci-fi, horror, or cyberpunk, chances are there'll be something to interest you.

We meet on Thursday nights from about 6:30ish at Bournebrook and Selly Oak Social Club, and stay until we get kicked out, or the GM has had enough (whichever happens first). 

But we're not just about roleplaying. We also arrange social events such as pub quizzes (with nerd-related themes, naturally), mix-up games, and a bi-annual social gathering in the city centre. We have a small group of Magic: The Gathering players and some tables occasionally run board games between campaigns. 

So come along, roll some dice, drink some beer (or non-alcoholic beverages if you prefer), and make some friends!

When you arrive, your first night will be free, and this will be your chance to wander around and find out what each table is currently playing, who has space etc. Following that, weekly subs are £3 a night for members and membership for a year is £5 but you get a 10% discount on most purchases at Wayland's Forge (A Roleplaying Games shop in the Custard Factory Birmingham) when you present your card.